BBC One embarks on a brand new weekend entertainment show as choirs from all walks of life – from handbag-wielding Cheshire housewives performing Britney Spears to a group of gay men giving the Pussycat Dolls a new spin – go up against each other to find out who has the passion, power and performance necessary to be declared Last Choir Standing.

Singing in choirs is one of the nation's favourite pastimes with over 25,000 registered choirs and at least half a million members. Following a callout to choirs across the country some of the UK's best will be going head to head in this exciting new talent search to find the nation's favourite choir.

Presenters Nick Knowles and Myleene Klass will follow the choirs as they progress through the contest. Joining them and putting the choirs through their paces will be a panel of music experts - opera superstar Russell Watson, actress, singer and West End star Sharon D. Clarke and choral conductor and director Suzi Digby OBE.

Each choir will have to prove they have the power, passion and performance to win over a chorus of approval from the judges and viewers at home if they are to be left as the Last Choir Standing and crowned as the nation's favourite singing sensations.

Commissioned by Elaine Beddell, Controller, Entertainment Commissioning, BBC Vision, Last Choir Standing is a BBC Vision Studios production brought to the screen by the team behind other BBC hit entertainment shows including Strictly Come Dancing, I'd Do Anything and Any Dream Will Do. Executive Editor is Martin Scott, Executive Producer is Moira Ross and Series Producer is Clodagh O'Donoghue.

To see the videos go to

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

[1] A blonde walks into the library. She walks up to the counter, SLAMS a book down and screams at the librarian, – “This is the WORST book I’ve ever read!” “It has NO plot and far too many characters!” The librarian looks up and calmly remarks – “So, you’re the one who took our phonebook…”

[2] TEACHER: Why are you late? JORDAN: Because of the sign.TEACHER: What sign? JORDAN: The one that says, "School Ahead, Go Slow."

[3] Little John asked a long-distance telephone operator, "Could you tell me the time difference between Singapore and New York?" Operator replied, "Just a minute." Little John said, "Thank you." And he put down the phone.

[4] 3 Chinese friends, Bu, Cu and Fu went to America. They decided to americanize their names. Bu became Buck, Cu became Chuck and Fu went back to China.

[5] One day a teacher told her students to draw a train on a railway track for homework. The next day when the teacher started checking everybody's book, she came up to Little Johnny. "Show me the homework," she demanded. Little Johnny showed the teacher his notebook with only a picture of railroad tracks. The teacher asked, "Where is the train?" Little Johnny then replied, "You came late so the train left."

[6] Saudi Prince goes to Germany to study. A month later, he sends a letter to his dad saying:"Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really like it here,but I'm a bit ashamed to arrive to school with my gold Mercedes when all my teachers travel by train."Sometime later he gets a letter from his dad with a ten million dollar check saying:"Stop embarrassing us!go and get yourself a train too!"

[7] The fight we had last night was my fault, my wife asked me what was on the TV and i said dust.

Post by Kim Kiew
Jokes by Daily Humor :)

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

arden here to post some dream's picture. We spend our life time to chase a dream, but dream still dream; real still real.

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Nowadays, money is not only a paper. It is also food, car, house, cloth, power, life.....It everything, almost. Money also was an art, is an art for how to earn, use & save it. Money, what is it for you?

by arden

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People always said: "don't believe what u hear; don't believe what u see". Conflict always happen because of misunderstanding, that's why we should use our wisdom to reduce the misunderstanding to minimize. Below are some of the picture make illusion because of angle:

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Hi everyone, Kim Kiew here, i want to talk about how to stop FACEBOOK addiction.

Are you addicted to Facebook? I know I am. After college...facebook, after lunch...facebook, before and after dinner...facebook, nothing to do...facebook, 3 4 a.m in the morning...facebook. It starts of with a simple exploration of your friends on the site and suddenly you are logging on 10 times a day to see if any of your friends have made updates to their profile, changed their relationship status or have posted new videos or articles. Suddenly you are glued to your computer monitor and the only thing on the screen is Facebook. So maybe your addiction isn’t that bad but apparently enough people are addicted.WikiHow suggests a 6-step solution:

1. Admit you have a problem - This sounds like the first step to any other addiction. WikiHow suggests that you ask yourself “What did I just accomplish by checking Facebook?” Ha! If only I had that much self-control over my Facebook addiction. Well, at least I admit to it!

2. Define your goals on Facebook - Hmm … I never really had any goals with Facebook. Although maybe my goal should be to reach 5,000 friends. That surely would get me to login more frequently. WikiHow suggests just logging in to check on friends’ birthdays, keep track of old friends, etc. Once you catch yourself going off track, log off. If only it was that easy!

3. Make a Facebook Schedule - Seriously? If you find yourself scheduling Facebook into your daily schedule, this should be a serious warning sign. WikiHow suggests that “after each Facebook goal, write down how much time and at what frequency you’ll need to be on Facebook to achieve that goal.” Are they serious? Based on the calculations they suggested, you end up using Facebook for 6 hours and 20 minutes a week. I think this is still a relatively significant amount of time, although I spend much more time on the site.

4. Think of other things you could be doing - Duh! This is a no brainer. I could be at the gym, socializing in the real world or a million other things but there is a reason I logged on in the first place. I’m starting to think that these suggestions are totally useless!

5. Leave Facebook - This should have been number one! If you are spending way too much time on Facebook, quit cold turkey. It’s like having your cell phone turned off for 24 hours. Once you do it, you will realize how dependent you have become and think twice about your usage.

6. Find a substitute - This one is good. Facebook taking up too much time? Find another site that isn’t as good! WikiHow says “if you find you’re at a computer during critical relapse time, find another website to log onto and read instead of Facebook.” Facebook relapse? This is a little crazy.

So how much time do you spend on Facebook? Has Facebook become an addiction for you?

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Kim Kiew here, going to post more creative and funny pictures.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Posted in | | 0 Comments »

Hi everyone, Kim Kiew here. Nothing much, just want to post some creative and funny pictures.

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