BBC One embarks on a brand new weekend entertainment show as choirs from all walks of life – from handbag-wielding Cheshire housewives performing Britney Spears to a group of gay men giving the Pussycat Dolls a new spin – go up against each other to find out who has the passion, power and performance necessary to be declared Last Choir Standing.

Singing in choirs is one of the nation's favourite pastimes with over 25,000 registered choirs and at least half a million members. Following a callout to choirs across the country some of the UK's best will be going head to head in this exciting new talent search to find the nation's favourite choir.

Presenters Nick Knowles and Myleene Klass will follow the choirs as they progress through the contest. Joining them and putting the choirs through their paces will be a panel of music experts - opera superstar Russell Watson, actress, singer and West End star Sharon D. Clarke and choral conductor and director Suzi Digby OBE.

Each choir will have to prove they have the power, passion and performance to win over a chorus of approval from the judges and viewers at home if they are to be left as the Last Choir Standing and crowned as the nation's favourite singing sensations.

Commissioned by Elaine Beddell, Controller, Entertainment Commissioning, BBC Vision, Last Choir Standing is a BBC Vision Studios production brought to the screen by the team behind other BBC hit entertainment shows including Strictly Come Dancing, I'd Do Anything and Any Dream Will Do. Executive Editor is Martin Scott, Executive Producer is Moira Ross and Series Producer is Clodagh O'Donoghue.

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