Hello everyone, I'm Adeline Lee here.. This is the first post that I'm posting up and I'll be saying about something about my first assignment in creative thinking class..
Mr.Charles and Ms.Chee want us to come out with something that I have never think that it could happen,as we have to think of HOW TO SAFE THE ENVIRONMENT WITH CHOCOLATE~~ Wow,is it possible for us to safe the world with chocolate?? As I know,chocolate is a food and it will melt, so how can it works!! As we begun with the discussion with group members,we came out with a lot of ideas and I started believe that it really make sense=))
Here comes some ideas with everyone of us,
~build a chocolate theme park that uses chocolate liquid to generate everything for example, the liquid to replace water and to generate electricity for the whole theme park...
~Limited Edition chocolate=)) It's my idea.. I plan to design and produce a kind of chocolate that are limited and it's very special and nice.. We can sell it with the same price as other chocolates and part of the money earned will be donated to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to help them in maintaining the environment..
~Planting more cocoa trees surrounding us.. It could produce oxygen and it could help to maintain flora and fauna.. planting more cocoa trees will produce more chocolate and also help us from soil erosion,isn't it benefits everyone?!
~Edible wrapping paper as the wrapper of the chocolate so that no wasting of wrapping paper..
These are some of the ideas that i wanted to share with everyone=)) Through this assignment,I learn a lot about chocolate and I actually think how can I safe the environment.. I know that I couldn't do it alone but at least I have take the first step to help our mother earth also the creation of God.
I'm stopping here and before I end,I want to wish HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR and also HAPPY VALENTINE DAY to all=)))) Have a happy and wonderful new year also happy holiday~~
Thank You.
Every where u will see Tiger of take Tiger as decoration.
The EnD