Hey everyone!!!
John Toh here for info...
Well, I was kind of thinking what to blog about a couple minutes ago.
And i decided to blog about My daily life and what i did and do...
Is not tht intresting but at least something i can blog about...
What is Creative Thinking??
For me...
Creative thinking is about thinking differently...
there is no exact answer in Creative Thinking...
Everyone thinks defferently...
Creative thinking this subject is to put our Creative mind to the limit and full use our creative brain..
What i did this week??
I kind of watched "gLee" for the pass few day and weeks...
Is kinda of good series i would say...
Is educational and taughtful show...
I would give 7/10 for this series...

I took this picture during the 15th days of the month as Chinese stated...
Is the full moon day...
The moon.
~The EnD~
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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