Hey ppl!!!
This is Jean Quan tht everyone love...

We all know that Chinese New Year is just around the corner.
As we all know the theme for Chinese New Year is always RED! The Chinese believe it is sort of a "good sign" for wearing red, decorating your house with red and everything red, red, and red!!
It always gives me a feeling of hot, as in sweaty kind of hot. Also, we'll always be munching on MANDARIN ORANGES! In cantonese, mandarin oranges are known as "gam" means gold.. so you're like eating gold??
Youngsters nowadays like myself, enjoys Chinese New Year is because we get "ang pao" money!!
Everyone will be happily gambling, drinking, etc.
Besides that, during the Chinese New Year celebration, we can always see lion dance performance in your neighbourhood, shopping malls, streets, etc.
The purpose for all these lion dance are because the chinese belief that it will wear off evil spirits.
And as usual, chinese get new clothes to celebrate Chinese New Year just like how malays celebrate Hari Raya with new clothes.
There'll be lots of visiting during the first few days of Chinese New Year, going back to hometown as well to visit relatives and friends.
But as years go by, the spirit of Chinese New Year has decreased among youngsters these day.
They do not enjoy Chinese New Year as much as people do in the olden days.
It is quite sad, because celebrating Chinese New Year is one of our culture. I wonder how long it would take until people just stop celebrating Chinese New Year in Malaysia.
Last but not least,
This year is The year of Tiger.

Every where u will see Tiger of take Tiger as decoration.
The EnD
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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